Why is Kermit The Frog, a frog?


*Deep Breath*. Ok, I’m going to do this. I’m going to write down the contents of my brain and hope to Kermit that people don’t think I’m doting.

Why is Kermit The Frog, a frog?
“Does that really matter, Clare?” you say. “Well yes, it does” I say, and the answer to your question actually begins with another question. What are The Muppets? They’re a group of furry little freaks. Squishy little weirdos. If The Muppets lived in our every day lives, they would be the strange man on the bus muttering into his reflection. They all come complete with neuroses and behaviour that the passer-by might look twice at. They’re life’s little odd-balls. While they all have this strangeness in common, the manifestations of them are wildly different depending on the character. In coming together as a group of friends, The Muppets whole-heartedly embrace each other’s peculiarities. There is no fear of what is different. They see the positive in people and recognise that if you want the good parts in people, taking the little crappy bits in people’s personalities is a price worth paying. In doing so, The Muppets tell us about the importance of tolerance, and how a little understanding might bring you gems you didn’t know were there for the having. If you’re willing to listen to Fozzie’s annoying jokes, you’ll make a friend who would do anything to help you out when you’re in a bind. Maybe the man talking to his reflection isn’t doing so because he’s unstable and dangerous, perhaps he just has a wildly creative mind that you couldn’t hope to understand. The Muppets want you to be tolerant because it will make you happy.

But what does all of this have to do with Kermit being a frog? We’ve all heard (or spoken) the phrase “I’ve kissed a few frogs in my time”/”You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince”/”other stupid bullshit”. In Kermit’s being a frog and involving him in a love-story narrative, I think that what is being pointed at is that just because you think some one is a frog, you can bet your bottom dollar he’s some one else’s prince. We don’t get to decide that some one is a freak, we don’t have that power. We have the power to perceive that some one is a freak – but we cannot make it the truth purely because we believe it. Kermit is a frog to all of us, but to Miss Piggy, Kermit is a whole lot more than a frog. If we use a frog as the standard for labelling some one as an undesirable love (or mating) interest, then in being a frog, Kermit should surely be single. If that’s the standard, Kermit shouldn’t be capable of driving a woman mad with desire, yet Miss Piggy can barely contain her emotions around him. Your frog is some one else’s prince, and your prince is some one else’s frog. The Muppets are reminding us to treat people how we would like others to treat the princes in our lives. Even the froggy people. We all have people who think we’re frogs and people who think we’re princes, so really we’re all the very same, so let’s get along. It ties in with the previous paragraph, seeing the positive and embracing the associated negative in order to allow that positive into your life. If you don’t judge Kermie for being a frog, you might fall in love with what you find.

Kermit’s being a frog serves another purpose too. Kermit’s a frog who comes from a smelly swamp, but he’s a whole lot of other things too. Being a slimy, smelly swamp-dweller doesn’t mean you can’t be an all-singing, all-dancing super friend. What The Muppets are doing here, I think, is trying to teach children (and mean adults) about the importance of tolerace and keeping an open mind. Yes, that kid in class says weird stuff and smells a bit like a cupboard, but there’s probably a lot more to him and if you get to know him a bit maybe the smellyness and weirdness won’t matter because he’s actually totally sound. Maybe what’s being suggested has to do with the psychology of prejudice. From the (limited) study I have done in psychology, I know that when an individual holds prejudice against people belonging to a particular group – they become almost exclusively sensitive to traits and qualities in that person that reinforce the stereotype. The mind somehow blinkers itself to information that would weaken the prejudice. If some one asked you if you’d like to hug a frog, you’d probably recoil in horror, but if some one asked you if you’d like to cuddle Kermit, you’d probably hop at the chance. If yucky frogs are actually pretty cool, then maybe something else you think is gross is actually kinda lovely too. Extend the idea to bigger social issues and maybe the world would be a little happier.

*sighs* I’m not sure that made any sense.

The Muppet List – An Explanation




“What’s this?”, you say. “The Muppet List? What’s it all about?”. This, The Muppet List, will be a figurative dumping ground for the many Muppets-related theories that occupy my brain space each and every day. I’m writing it for two reasons:

Reason One: Maintaining Existing Friendships.

Thinking and talking about The Muppets is one of my very favourite things to do. Few things content me as much as some one asking me to explain an idea I have about The Muppets. I get a tremendous kick out of a real conversation about what I consider to be the best television show and bunch of movies EVER. There’s a problem with all of that though: not that many people are interested in listening to a lengthy speech about why The Muppets are so wonderful. This blog is an attempt to fix that problem. Maybe writing about The Muppets will reduce the nearly constant urge to change every topic of conversation to something Kermit/Fozzie/Piggy/whoever related. Maybe in writing this, I’ll be that bit less-likely to exhaust (and annoy) the patient ears my friends so kindly lend me when the Kermit enthusiasm is boiling over. We shall see.

Reason 2: Maybe It’s Not Just Me.

Perhaps, out there in the world there’s another person who thinks the things I think about the Muppets. If I found a blog about this, I’d wriggle my toes with excitement to get my brain stuck into some Muppets theories. I’d like to think that some one would stumble across this and think “Yay! Me TOO!”. Then, maybe their reading would serve as a little release, some Muppet indulgence that would keep them from melting their friends’ ears too. That’d be nice. Probably won’t happen… maybe though.